Introducing a game created for Ludum Dare 43, that I'm only 5 months late in posting. Since this was my first time doing a real game jam it's a little rough around the edges, but hey, it sorta works. The biggest sacrifice in order to fit the original time limit was the ability to come up with a good title.
The game consists of sequential stages of (hopefully) increasing chaos and difficulty. Each stage, the maximum weight you're allowed to carry decreases, so you may have to sacrifice items as the game goes on. Eventually, there are magic attacks which don't weight a lot, but instead drain your health!
It was created primarily with Unity 2018.2.8, Blender 2.79, Krita 4, Audacity, and Visual Studio. Everything that you see was made specifically for this jam with the exception of the fonts, which I made for another project a few years ago.
In May 2019, the game was updated to include 9 rounds (originally 7, circa December 2018) along with corresponding balance tweaks and bug fixes, and some minor additional features. After this update, I now consider the game complete, which is why I am posting it now.
Check it out here: