

After another long delay, here is the updated/final version of game I created for Ludum Dare 44. The game remained mostly unchanged from its initial April release for quite a while, but I've finally gotten around to polishing it up this summer for a formal release.

In this game, you control the lone employee of a vast coin minting facility that must maintain up to four coin production lines while protecting the machines (and yourself) from crazy people that break in and try to destroy everything. How long can you keep up?

The game was created mainly using Unity 2018.3.11 and Krita 4. Audacity, Pro Tools SE, and BFXR for the sounds and music. As with my last Ludum Dare entry, everything that you see was made specifically for this jam with the exception of the fonts. Overall, I think this project turned out very well, especially with regards to its aesthetics.

Check it out here: