
Logan Kart 0.071

This is a minor update that should fix some of the most common bugs and problems that are known. Full details:
  • Reduced excessively high vertical controller sensitivity, which caused some controllers to not function on the character selection screen.
  • You can no longer get stuck under the bridge in Notreal. Hopefully.
  • Blue shells are more reliable.
  • Some collision between shell issues addressed.
  • Attempted removal of a lap skip bug.
  • Bullet bills go fast without the need to have passed a checkpoint first.
  • AIs are faster and swerve less on higher speeds; should make the game a little more difficult.
  • A new minor bug where blue shells get stuck on Toddler Park, which I'm too lazy to tackle right now.
  • Probably more things that I forgot.



Welcome to Logan Kart!

So, it's finally here. Logan Kart 8 version 0.07, the official public release! This version is still far from final, so don't expect everything to work, and definitely not work properly and efficiently.

There's not a whole lot else to say here, so go and play the game at:

Or watch the new trailer at:

Happy go-karting!


Guess The Cat Video

I made this in less than two hours, but I wanted to get it over with before I made the announcement of the next 9064 game...

Guess The Cat Gameplay Trailer

It's also the inaugural video on the 9064 YouTube channel!