
Logan Kart 8 Deluxe: The Survey

I want to hear from you guys what y'all want in the next Logan Kart. Formalize the process a little bit.

You can take the survey here.

Maybe I'll make more of these. Who knows?


Logan Kart 8 Deluxe and Classic

Unfortunately, April 27, 2018 brought the end of Logan Kart 8 on Game Jolt. As expected, a certain company that shall not be named filed a copyright claim and the original Logan Kart 8 was taken down. Quite frankly, I’m surprised it’s taken them this long to do so; it’s quite strange to see it happen since the game has been online for almost three years.
But don’t fret it! Soon, Logan Kart 8 will be back and better than ever, since this time, it’s censored deluxe.
While the game will be mostly the same as the original with the controversial content replaced with some admittedly lazy substitutions, I’d like to make some additions to it as well to make the “deluxe” version not just an adjustment, but an upgrade.
Because it's entirely possible that this "Deluxe" release will take some time to complete, I have re-released the original Logan Kart 8 (this time demonetized) under the name Logan Kart 8 Classic for those that wish to play it. It is just an exact copy of version 1.0.0, and will not receive any more updates. If it gets taken down again, hopefully either the Deluxe version will be finished by then or I'll have found another place to host it.

Rest assured that work on Logan Kart 8 Deluxe is well underway and I'm excited to reveal some new features in the coming weeks, with a release hopefully following sometime later in July or early August.